
Muscle memory

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Muscle memory

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Tired of sitting back and watching others get all of the rewards in life? Start a program of self-

improvement today. Muscle Memory is one of the easiest to understand and execute. You can read

Muscle Memory and toss it aside. That same attitude has been your problem in the past. If you had

just tried. If you had gone through the pain of starting a new regimen, you wouldn’t be going through

the pain of not fulfilling your dreams now. Life appears to have one very simple formula: Pain now.

Or pain later.

You have the choice.

If you are willing to suffer through the sacrifices of a new regimen now, things will become

easier later. If you put off the need to discipline yourself because you want to watch TV or be with

your friends or you think you need a few extra hours sleep, invariably you have not escaped the

suffering, you have just put it off. The years slip by and you still have not done any of the things that

could make you happy and fulfilled. Get off your backside. Get out of the house. Change your

attitude. Live as though this is the last hour you can possibly begin the first step on your journey to a

new life. Take that first step. The first step is to reprogram your mind and thereby your attitude. You

can use meditation or self-hypnosis. But instead, why don't you take a real challenge and improve

your body while you improve your mind.

Get serious about Muscle Memory.

Reprogram your attitude and tone your body (that fantastic mechanism constructed of seven

miles of nerve fiber wrapped around five hundred muscles.) Muscle Memory was created by me to

teach you how to use this seven miles of nerve fiber to telegraph burning messages to the most

unique computer possessed by man: Your Very Own Brain.

YVOB’s inimitable abilities are owned and controlled by you. When you finish this book, and

practice for thirty to sixty days, you will become a programmer for this greatest of all computers.

It is not the purpose of this book; in fact it is pointless to dispute the manufacturer of this most

unique computer. Because, if you were offered the most advanced portable computer ever

manufactured with never-ending storage and instant retrieval, but it had no label and you were

unable to prove who manufactured it (God or Nature or Evolution or Space Cadets), you would still

want to possess it. And you would rush down and take a course on how to program it. The good

news is that you do possess this most unique computer (YVOB). The bad news is that you never

rushed down and took a course on how to program it. Muscle Memory is that course. Now you will

start on a path. You will learn how to program YVOB.

Repetition and hard work. Over and over. Repeat and repeat. And then one day you will feel the

change. The change of mind; change of attitude; change of body. Don’t tell me you are too old to

start now. That is just a cover sentence for the word lazy. This year, a seventy-nine year old woman

won a weight-lifting contest. A sixty year old swam half way to Cuba. Stop being lazy. Lazy people

get nothing from life but the crumbs that are left by the ambitious. It only takes time and hard work:

both of these, you can afford. Everything you desire can be achieved if you will but take the time and

the energy to etch your desires into your subconscious. YVOB.

The skeletal musculature makes up forty percent of the weight of your body. These voluntary

muscles are controlled by the central nervous system. The brain sends a message to any member of

your musculature group and the group responds. Now you are going to reverse the process; your

musculature will send messages to your brain.

Use the power of Muscle Memory to set you on the course.

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Work hard! You will succeed! Have a great day.

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22 pages
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